Results for 'João Miguel Biscaia Branquinho'

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    O Moderno e o arcaico na organização.João Miguel Teixeira de Godoy - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    Condiciones de posibilidad de las atribuciones mentales en la díada humano-inteligencia artificial.José Miguel Biscaia Fernández - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (2):191-213.
    En este ensayo se discute sobre los límites de la atribución mental entre humanos y máquinas inteligentes. Partiendo de los presupuestos ontológicos del funcionalismo y del transhumanismo tecnológico de que una inteligencia artificial fuerte (IA-fuerte) con estados mentales podría ser realizable, analizo las condiciones de posibilidad de atribución mental en perspectiva psicológica de primera, segunda y tercera persona entre ambos agentes. Concluyo que, pese al enorme debate conceptual y las considerables dificultades técnicas de esta empresa, de existir un IA-fuerte con (...)
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  3. ¿ Hay una arquitectura portuguesa?Joao Miguel Amaro Correia - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 42:66-85.
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  4. The Foundations of Cognitive Science.João Branquinho (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Foundations of Cognitive Science is a set of thirteen new essays on key topics in this lively interdisciplinary field, by a stellar international line-up of authors. Philosophers, psychologists, and neurologists here come together to investigate such fascinating subjects as consciousness; vision; rationality; artificial life; the neural basis of language, cognition, and emotion; and the relations between mind and world, for instance our representation of numbers and space. The contributors are Ned Block, Margaret Boden, Susan Carey, Patricia Churchland, Paul Churchland, (...)
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    Editor’s Note.João Branquinho - 2004 - Disputatio 1 (17):1-2.
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    Logic, Norms and Ontology. Recent Essays in Luso-Brazilian Analytic Philosophy.João Branquinho & Guido Imaguire - 2012 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    The present special issue of Disputatio brings together some of the best work recently done in Brazil and Portugal in the tradition of analytic philosophy (broadly conceived). Over the past ten years or so we have witnessed an impressive growth of analytic philosophy in both countries, either in terms of quantity or in terms of quality of the produced philosophy. We hope that this volume capture, at least partly, the dynamics and strength of such development. The range of philosophical problems (...)
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  7. Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.João Branquinho & Ricardo Santos - 2013 - Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica FCT Project PTDC/FIL-FIL/121209/2010 O objectivo do projecto é produzir um volume intitulado Compêndio de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica, escrito em língua portuguesa e a publicar e disponibilizar gratuitamente na internet. A edição em linha será dinâmica, podendo o material ser objecto de actualizações sucessivas. O volume consiste em ensaios especializados sobre questões pertencentes a áreas nucleares da Filosofia Analítica actual. A ênfase é colocada em áreas que tratam da natureza da linguagem, mente (...)
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  8. The Problem of Cognitive Dynamics.João Branquinho - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56:29-56.
    Two approaches to cognitive dynamics are examined: the direct reference view, taken as represented in David Kaplan's positions, and the neo-Fregean view, taken as represented in Gareth Evans's positions. The upshot of the discussion is twofold. On the one hand, it is argued that both Kaplan's account and Evans's account are on the whole defective. On the other, it is claimed that a broadly Fregean theory is still to be preferred since by positing semantically efficacious modes of presentation it is (...)
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  9. Are Salmon's 'Guises' Disguised Fregean Senses?João Branquinho - 1990 - Analysis 50 (1):19 - 24.
    In a review of Frege's Puzzle1, Graeme Forbes makes the claim that Salmon's account of belief might be seen, under certain conditions, as a mere notational variant of a neo-Fregean theory; and thus that such an account might be reduced to a neo-Fregean one simply by rewriting it in terms of Fregean terminology. With a view to supporting his claim, Forbes offers an outline of an account of belief which, according to him, would satisfy the following conditions: (i) it could (...)
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  10. In defense of obstinacy.João Branquinho - 2003 - Philosophical Perspectives 17 (1):1–23.
    The aim of this paper is to make the case for the obstinacy thesis. This is the thesis that proper names like ‘Hitler’, demonstratives like ‘this’, pure indexicals like ‘I’, and natural kind terms like ‘water’ and ‘gold’, are obstinately rigid terms. An obstinately rigid term is one that refers to the object that is its actual referent with respect to every possible world (hence, a fortiori, even with respect to worlds where that object does not exist). This form of (...)
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    Variedades de Realismo Metafísico.João Branquinho - 2015 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 71 (4):725-752.
    Resumo: Este ensaio contém uma exposição e discussão de um conjunto de variedades da concepção acerca de propriedades conhecida como Realismo Metafísico, o ponto de vista de que pelo menos algumas propriedades de coisas são propriedades universais. Tais formas de realismo metafísico, algumas das quais existem apenas no espaço lógico das concepções realistas, são determinadas pelas posições tomadas relativamente a três problemas centrais acerca de universais: o problema da sua localização; o problema da sua exemplificação; e o problema do seu (...)
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  12. On the Individuation of Fregean Propositions.João Branquinho - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2000:17-27.
    The aim of the paper is to sketch a principle of individuation that is intended to serve the Fregean notion of a proposition, a notion I take for granted. A salient feature of Fregean propositions, i.e. complexes of modes of presentation of objects, is that they are fine-grained items, so fine-grained that even synonymous sentences might express different Fregean propositions. My starting point is the principle labelled by Gareth Evans the Intuitive Criterion of Difference for Thoughts, which states that it (...)
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  13. Singular propositions and modes of presentation.João Branquinho - 1996 - Disputatio (1):05-21.
    The aim of this paper is to survey a number of features which are constitutive of the Millian account of attitude-ascription and which I take to be irremediably defective. The features in question, some of which have not been fully appreciated, relate mainly to the failure of that account to accommodate certain fundamental aspects of our ordinary practise of attitude attribution. I take it that one’s definitive method of assessment of a given semantical theory consists in checking out whether or (...)
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  14. What Is Existence?João Branquinho - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (34):575-590.
    This paper has a negative and a positive claim. The negative claim is that the Frege-Russell account of existence as a higher-order predicate is mistaken and should be abandoned, even with respect to general statements of existence such as “Flying mammals exist” (where statements of this sort are supposed to be best accommodated by the account). The Frege-Russell view seems to be supported by two ideas. First, the idea that existence is entirely expressed by the existential quantifier of standard predicate (...)
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  15. A Forma Lógica de Afirmações de Existência.João Branquinho - 1998 - Disputatio 5 (5-1):05-33.
    Há alguns anos atrás, algumas pessoas acreditavam que a tese de que a existência não é um predicado, uma tese defendida por autoridades como Gottlob Frege e Bertrand Russell, era um dos traços distintivos da chamada filosofia analítica. Que uma tal crença é afinal falsa pode ser tomado como mais um sinal da vitalidade e do anti-dogmatismo que caracterizam em geral a tradição analítica; e o mesmo se aplica a quaisquer outras crenças do género, que comprometam esta tradição com teses (...)
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  16. Indexical Sinn: Fregeanism versus Millianism.João Branquinho - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):465-486.
    This paper discusses two notational variance views with respect to indexical singular reference and content: the view that certain forms of Millianism are at bottom notational variants of a Fregean theory of reference, the Fregean Notational Variance Claim; and the view that certain forms of Fregeanism are at bottom notational variants of a direct reference theory, the Millian Notational Variance Claim. While the former claim rests on the supposition that a direct reference theory could be easily turned into a particular (...)
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    On the persistence and re-expression of indexical belief.João Branquinho - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (2).
    This paper is devoted to an examination of issues concerning the persistence and linguistic re-expression of indexical singular belief. I discuss two approaches to the topic: the directly referential approach, which I take as best represented in Kaplan's views, and the neo-Fregean approach, which I take as best represented in Gareth Evans's views. The upshot of my discussion is twofold. On the one hand, I argue that both Kaplan's account and Evans's account are on the whole defective. On the other, (...)
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    Kripke e o Problema da Mente-Corpo.João Branquinho - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):439-450.
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  19. Cognition and Content.João Branquinho - 2005 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    Os tópicos e problemas filosóficos discutidos no volume são de natureza bastante variada: a natureza da complexidade computacional no processamento de uma língua natural; a relação entre o significado linguístico e o sentido Fregeano; as conexões entre a a agência e o poder; o conteúdo semântico da ficção; a explicação dos impasses éticos; a natureza dos argumentos cépticos; as conexões entre as dissociações cognitivas e o carácter modular da mente; a relação entre a referência e o significado. Estes tópicos deixam-se (...)
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    On the Persistence of Indexical Belief.Joao Branquinho - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 39:21-30.
    This paper is devoted to an examination of the topic of cognitive dynamics as introduced by David Kaplan in his essay ‘Demonstratives’. I discuss two approaches to cognitive dynamics: the directly referential approach, which I take as best represented in Kaplan’s views, and the neo-Fregean approach, which I take as best represented in Gareth Evans’s views. The upshot of my discussion is twofold. On the one hand, I argue that both Kaplan’s account and Evans’s account are on the whole defective (...)
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    (1 other version)Introductory note.João Branquinho - 2003 - Disputatio 1 (15):2-4.
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    Direct Reference, Cognitive Signifiance and Fregean Sense.João Branquinho - 2006
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  23. Editor's Note.João Branquinho - 2004 - Disputatio (34):575-590.
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    (1 other version)Nota de Apresentação.João Branquinho - 1998 - Disputatio 1 (5-1):1-2.
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    Objecto e método da metafísica.João Branquinho - 2004 - Critica.
    O presente artigo apresenta a disciplina de Ontologia aos estudantes do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  26. Sense and Meaning.João Branquinho - 2005 - In Cognition and Content. Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    This paper discusses some relations between the notion of Fregean sense and the notion of linguistic meaning. It argues that these notions come apart from one another even in the case of non-indexical expressions. In particular, synonymous non-indexical expressions may be assigned different Fregean senses with respect to certain contexts of use.
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  27. Regressões ao Infinito em Metafísica.João Branquinho & Guido Imaguire - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    Este ensaio consiste num exame crítico da estrutura e do valor de um conjunto diverso de argumentos por regressão ao infinito que têm sido objecto de discussão recorrente na metafísica contemporânea. O seminal livro de David Armstrong Nominalism and Realism (Armstrong 1978) contém uma das mais compreensivas discussões de argumentos regressivos em metafísica, os quais variam entre argumentos que foram de facto avançados ao longo da história da disciplina (como o Argumento do Terceiro Homem, de Platão) e argumentos construídos de (...)
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  28. Significado e Cognição. O Legado de Frege.João Branquinho - 2016 - In Léo Peruzzo Júnior E. Bortolo Valle, Filosofia da Linguagem. pp. 9 - 52.
    Queremos neste ensaio caracterizar de modo introdutório o essencial do legado de Gottlob Frege para a Filosofia da Linguagem contemporânea, identificando e caracterizando os traços distintivos mais genéricos de uma teoria do significado (ou conteúdo semântico) inspirada nas suas ideias seminais e contrastando-a com outras concepções actuais influentes acerca do significado, em especial as posições sobre o conteúdo singular (conteúdo expresso por nomes próprios e outros termos singulares) remotamente inspiradas em ideias de John Stuart Mill.
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  29. Existência.João Branquinho - 2015 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    Neste ensaio, discutem-se cinco questões acerca da existência: 1. É a existência representável em termos de quantificação? 2. É a existência um predicado" real", de primeira ordem? 3. É existir o mesmo que ser? 4. Existe tudo? 5. Qual é a forma lógica de afirmações de existência? São introduzidas e examinadas algumas das mais salientes posições acerca destas questões, em especial a concepção Frege-Russell da existência e diversas concepções recentes neo-Meinongianas. Defendemos as seguintes três teses acerca daquilo que deve ser (...)
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  30. Inexistência e Obstinação.João Branquinho - 2013 - In Adriana V. Serrão, Carla M. Simões, Elisabete M. De Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate Simões & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Poética da Razão: Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. pp. 385-397.
    Queremos neste ensaio introduzir um esboço de uma semântica simples e adequada para uma classe importante de predicações singulares de inexistência, ou frases existenciais singulares negativas. Frases deste género, como “Sócrates (já) não existe” e “O pássaro Dódó não existe”, são usualmente tidas como de algum modo paradoxais e semanticamente problemáticas. O modelo semântico que vamos delinear para tais frases, que desejavelmente se caracteriza pela simplicidade e pela economia, depende no entanto de duas importantes e substantivas suposições de partida, e, (...)
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  31. Nota sobre o Descritivismo Circular.João Branquinho - 2011 - Philosophy@Lisbon - International eJournal 1:45 - 54.
    O artigo oferece diversas formulações da teoria da referência nominal conhecida como descritivismo circular ou meta-linguístico, introduzindo e discutindo diversos argumentos contra ela.
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  32. Indexicality and Cognitive Significance: the Indispensability of Sense.João Branquinho - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1517-1540.
    This paper is devoted to the topic of indexicality in relation to the problem of cognitive significance. I undertake a critical examination of what I call the Millian Notational Variance Claim; this is the claim that those versions of a neo-Fregean semantics for demonstratives and other indexicals which rest upon the notion of a de re sense are eventually notational variants of a directly referential or Millian semantics for indexicals. I try to show that several lines of reasoning that might (...)
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    Software Bug Detection Causes a Shift From Bottom-Up to Top-Down Effective Connectivity Involving the Insula Within the Error-Monitoring Network.Joao Castelhano, Isabel C. Duarte, Ricardo Couceiro, Julio Medeiros, Joao Duraes, Sónia Afonso, Henrique Madeira & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural correlates of software programming skills have been the target of an increasing number of studies in the past few years. Those studies focused on error-monitoring during software code inspection. Others have studied task-related cognitive load as measured by distinct neurophysiological measures. Most studies addressed only syntax errors. However, a recent functional MRI study suggested a pivotal role of the insula during error-monitoring when challenging deep-level analysis of code inspection was required. This raised the hypothesis that the insula is (...)
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    Prosocial Behavior and Friendship Quality as Moderators of the Association Between Anxious Withdrawal and Peer Experiences in Portuguese Young Adolescents.Miguel Freitas, António J. Santos, Olívia Ribeiro, João R. Daniel & Kenneth H. Rubin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perception Accuracy of Affiliative Relationships in Elementary School Children and Young Adolescents.João R. Daniel, Rita R. Silva, António J. Santos, Jordana Cardoso, Leandra Coelho, Miguel Freitas & Olívia Ribeiro - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Too Old for Computers? The Longitudinal Relationship Between Stereotype Threat and Computer Use by Older Adults.João Mariano, Sibila Marques, Miguel R. Ramos, Filomena Gerardo & Hein de Vries - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    An Action-Independent Role for Midfrontal Theta Activity Prior to Error Commission.João Estiveira, Camila Dias, Diana Costa, João Castelhano, Miguel Castelo-Branco & Teresa Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Error-related electroencephalographic signals have been widely studied concerning the human cognitive capability of differentiating between erroneous and correct actions. Midfrontal error-related negativity and theta band oscillations are believed to underlie post-action error monitoring. However, it remains elusive how early monitoring activity is trackable and what are the pre-response brain mechanisms related to performance monitoring. Moreover, it is still unclear how task-specific parameters, such as cognitive demand or motor control, influence these processes. Here, we aimed to test pre- and post-error EEG (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory in a Portuguese Sample of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians.Cátia Reis, Miguel Tecedeiro, Pollyana Pellegrino, Teresa Paiva & João P. Marôco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    From its initial conceptualization as emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced personal efficacy for the help professions, burnout has received increasing attention in modern times, especially after the 2019 WHO’s inclusion of this syndrome in the ICD-11 list. Burnout can be measured using several psychometric instruments that range in dimensionality, number of items, copyrighted, and free use formats. Here, we report the psychometric properties of data gathered with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory in a sample of Portuguese Aircraft maintenance technicians. As far (...)
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    Using MCDA to select countermeasures against fake news.João Varela da Costa, Daniel Filipe Dongo & Miguel Mira da Silva - 2025 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 23 (1):54-103.
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the applicability of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) through a systematic approach using M-Macbeth to present alternatives for mitigating high-impact instances of disinformation in a community and measure the attractiveness of the options. Design/methodology/approach The recent advent of Fake News (FN) and disinformation poses a significant threat to a community, organisation or individual, contributing to the erosion of public trust in institutions and democracy. This is aggravated should the authors consider the multiplicity (...)
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    Directly Exploring the Neural Correlates of Feedback-Related Reward Saliency and Valence During Real-Time fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Bruno Direito, Manuel Ramos, João Pereira, Alexandre Sayal, Teresa Sousa & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: The potential therapeutic efficacy of real-time fMRI Neurofeedback has received increasing attention in a variety of psychological and neurological disorders and as a tool to probe cognition. Despite its growing popularity, the success rate varies significantly, and the underlying neural mechanisms are still a matter of debate. The question whether an individually tailored framework positively influences neurofeedback success remains largely unexplored.Methods: To address this question, participants were trained to modulate the activity of a target brain region, the visual motion (...)
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    Embodiment Comfort Levels During Motor Imagery Training Combined With Immersive Virtual Reality in a Spinal Cord Injury Patient.Carla Pais-Vieira, Pedro Gaspar, Demétrio Matos, Leonor Palminha Alves, Bárbara Moreira da Cruz, Maria João Azevedo, Miguel Gago, Tânia Poleri, André Perrotta & Miguel Pais-Vieira - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Brain–machine interfaces combining visual, auditory, and tactile feedback have been previously used to generate embodiment experiences during spinal cord injury rehabilitation. It is not known if adding temperature to these modalities can result in discomfort with embodiment experiences. Here, comfort levels with the embodiment experiences were investigated in an intervention that required a chronic pain SCI patient to generate lower limb motor imagery commands in an immersive environment combining visual, auditory, tactile, and thermal feedback. Assessments were made pre-/ post-, throughout (...)
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    Dose-Response Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Study Design: A Well-Controlled Adaptive Seamless Bayesian Method to Illuminate Negative Valence Role in Tinnitus Perception.Iman Ghodratitoostani, Oilson A. Gonzatto, Zahra Vaziri, Alexandre C. B. Delbem, Bahador Makkiabadi, Abhishek Datta, Chris Thomas, Miguel A. Hyppolito, Antonio C. D. Santos, Francisco Louzada & João Pereira Leite - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The use of transcranial Electrical Stimulation in the modulation of cognitive brain functions to improve neuropsychiatric conditions has extensively increased over the decades. tES techniques have also raised new challenges associated with study design, stimulation protocol, functional specificity, and dose-response relationship. In this paper, we addressed challenges through the emerging methodology to investigate the dose-response relationship of High Definition-transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, identifying the role of negative valence in tinnitus perception. In light of the neurofunctional testable framework and tES application, (...)
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    Differences Between Subclinical Ruminators and Reflectors in Narrating Autobiographical Memories: Innovative Moments and Autobiographical Reasoning.Tilmann Habermas, Iris Delarue, Pia Eiswirth, Sarah Glanz, Christin Krämer, Axel Landertinger, Michelle Krainhöfner, João Batista & Miguel M. Gonçalves - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:624644.
    Reasoning may help solving problems and understanding personal experiences. Ruminative reasoning, however, is inconclusive, repetitive, and usually regards negative thoughts. We asked how reasoning as manifested in oral autobiographical narratives might differ when it is ruminative versus when it is adaptive by comparing two constructs from the fields of psychotherapy research and narrative research that are potentially beneficial: innovative moments (IMs) and autobiographical reasoning (AR). IMs captures statements in that elaborate on changes regarding an earlier personal previous problem of the (...)
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    Gama, manuel; da mota Alves, josé; Ribeiro mendes, joão; Teixeira Pereira, luís : Peregrinações espirituais E turismo sacro. Atas do I colóquio internacional a religião em movimento, atahca, departamento de filosofía da universidade do minho, Braga, 2014, 236p. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2015 - Agora 34 (2).
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  45. We are glad to announce that the new editors of Disputatio are Teresa Marques and Célia Teixeira. We warmly thank João Branquinho for his many years of dedication to the office. Admin - 2015 - Disputatio.
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  46. Cognitive access and cognitive phenomenology: conceptual and empirical issues.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):188-204.
    The well-known distinction between access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness has moved away from the conceptual domain into the empirical one, and the debate now is focused on whether the neural mechanisms of cognitive access are constitutive of the neural correlate of phenomenal consciousness. In this paper, I want to analyze the consequences that a negative reply to this question has for the cognitive phenomenology thesis – roughly the claim that there is a “proprietary” phenomenology of thoughts. If the mechanisms responsible (...)
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  47. What is the problem of replaceability?Ricardo Miguel - 2016 - In I. Anna S. Olsson, Sofia M. Araújo & M. Fátima Vieira, Food futures: ethics, science and culture. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 52-58.
    Singer’s much-discussed replaceability argument states that non-self-conscious animals may be killed and replaced by new animals that will lead equally valuable lives. If sound, this argument can be used to justify the cycle of raising and killing animals for food. Thus, many have argued that Singer’s theory, and utilitarianism in general, while committed to this argument, offers inadequate protection to animals. However, some utilitarians reject the argument and Singer himself was rather tentative in preventing its additional application to self-conscious beings. (...)
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    The implications of Cuba's agricultural conversion for the general Latin American agroecological movement.Miguel A. Altieri - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):91-92.
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  49. Teaching Information Ethics.Miguel Alvarez - 2010 - International Review of Information Ethics 14:23-28.
    The emergence of social networking is closely related with the new technologies improving user interface experience thus making the interaction between users more natural and intuitive. Before, the first online communities of interest were user lists and asynchronous discussion groups resembling more the form of mass mailings than informal discussions in a cafe or in a classroom. The impact of web 2.0 on scientific practices has become evident in establishing more and more epistemic communities as virtual communities and vice versa. (...)
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    Išme-Dagan and Enlil's ChariotIsme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot.Miguel Civil - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1):3.
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